SkyandYou Events

Events will be regularly proposed to you based on the themes of the gallery or on new subjects which might then be added to the existing themes. It is an important and privileged moment of exchange and sharing between the Users of the site. The events will be organized on the site, live externally, in a public or private place. Details will be communicated to you for each event.


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Past Events

Christmas sky

Friday 24 December 2021 - Sunday 02 January 2022

Take a picture of your post beautiful Christmas sky

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Falling stars

Thursday 05 August 2021 - Sunday 15 August 2021

Look at the sky and make a wish! Let's celebrate together the falling stars rain that occurs every summer in August. Share your posts of the comet dust spinning on the starry vault that gives us so many emotions and makes us dream.

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Summer is coming.

Monday 21 June 2021 - Thursday 15 July 2021

Summer is coming soon. Post your most beautiful photos of early-summer sky.

>> Posts related to this event