About us

Why the sky?

Why the sky? skyandyou, the Sky and You. Who has never looked up to the sky to admire its colors, find inspiration, take a break from everyday life, express a wish, open a hope, confide a sorrow, find consolation, or simply dream? The sky has always been a source of questioning and fascination for human beings. It gives rhythm to day and night, the cycle of seasons, the life of nature, animals and mankind. That’s why I wanted to create this exchange and sharing platform for all sky lovers.


The navigation on the site is easy and responsive. After creating your account, a validation email will be sent to you. The password given by the site is encrypted and cannot be modified by the user. This password cannot be recovered but only changed with another encrypted password. Then you can access the post form. Several themes are available to you. Choose one or more themes and submit your posts, one at a time, in image, audio, video format. For video or audio post you just copy the link. Each theme looks at the sky from a different point of view : Photo to capture and fix the very moment; Art to reproduce and interpret colors and movement; Music to translate the colors and the voice of the sky into notes and melodies; Design to make original creations that would brighten up our daily lives; Writing to put into words what the sky inspires to you; Reflections to capture the play of light on any reflective surface; Space to look at the sky beyond the sky, window open onto the universe. The author's name or pseudonym, location, date, time, title and text accompanying the post will be entered and visible on the site. You will find all your publications under the heading "My posts". Don't forget to visit the page of the Events which will be regularly proposed to you based on the themes of the gallery or on new subjects which might then be added to the existing themes. Events will be organized on the site, live externally, in a public or private place. When register Users accept all the General Conditions of Use (T & Cs) of the site skyandyou set out below.

Terms and Conditions of Use

ARTICLE 1: Objet

The site skyandyou is a platform of exchange and sharing intended for all those whom the sky inspires, passionates and questions. Navigation is simple and intuitive. After creating your account, you can upload your creations in image, audio and video format by choosing one or more themes of the gallery. Each theme looks at the sky from a different point of view: art, photography, music, writing, design, reflections, space. Events will be regularly proposed to you based on the themes of the gallery or on new subjects which might then be added to the existing themes.

The site is available in French and English. Some events will be in Italian with consecutive translation or translation cards in French or English.

ARTICLE 2: Legal notices

The site skyandyou is managed by Dolomède 18 avenue des fées 44300 Nantes.

The contact address for any questions or complaints is contact@skyandyou.org

Site Users accept all the Terms and Conditions, acronym T&Cs, of the site skyandyou set out below before any consultation and use of the site.

The purpose of these T&Cs is to define the terms and conditions of use of the services offered by the site skyandyou.

The T&Cs can be modified at any time by skyandyou. Site Users will be informed of any changes that may occur in the T&Cs.

ARTICLE 3: Registration

Users must complete the registration form available on the site. A validation email will be sent to them before creating their account. Following the recommendations of the GDPR, the password given by the site is encrypted and cannot be modified by the user. This password cannot be recovered but only changed with another encrypted password.

The author's name or pseudonym, location, date, time, title and text accompanying the post will be entered and visible on the site. Users will find all of their posts under the "My posts" section.

Registration is required to make a post. The post is submitted to the site administrator and is not automatically visible on the site until the administrator accepts it. The publication is not automatic, it will take a delay before its publication. If the post does not meet the rules set elsewhere, it can be refused and not published without justification from the site administrator.

ARTICLE 4: Access to services

The following services will be accessible to any site User after creating his account: access the post form, choose a theme, submit the post in image, audio or video format, access the Events page.

ARTICLE 5: Responsibility of the User

Users are responsible for the risks associated with the use of their login ID and password.

Users’ password must be kept secret. In the event of disclosure of the password, the Publisher declines all responsibility.

Users assume full responsibility for the use they make of the information and contents on the skyandyou site.

Users agree to make comments respectful of others and of the law and accept that their posts will be moderated or refused by the Publisher without obligation of justification.

Users having a connection to internet can access the site for free and from anywhere. The costs incurred by the Users to access it (internet connection, computer hardware, software or applications used) are not the responsibility of the Publisher.

ARTICLE 6: Responsibility of the Editor

Any malfunction of the server or the network cannot engage the responsibility of the Publisher.

The Publisher reserves the right to not guarantee the reliability of the sources, although the information published on the site is deemed as reliable.

The site and its different services may be interrupted or suspended by the Publisher, in particular during maintenance, without notice or justification.

Users by accepting the T&Cs at the time of creating the account and publishing the posts abandon all intellectual property rights.

Cookies on the site are only technical.

In case of modification of the T&Cs, Users will be notified.

The Editor of the skyandyou site reserves the right to freely moderate or delete the content posted by Users at any time, without justification.

ARTICLE 7: Intellectual property

Publications in image, audio or video format are free of all rights and are not protected by copyright under the Intellectual Property Code.

Users undertake that any publication whether in image, audio or video format is their personal work and if it is covered by copyright, they abandon this right at the very moment of the creation of the their account and any publication. It is forbidden to publish a post that is not the work of the author and also covered by copyright.

Posts in image, audio, video format will be used by Users for private purposes. Any commercial use is prohibited. Users are fully responsible for any content they upload and agree not to harm a third party.

ARTICLE 8: Personal data

Users must provide personal information in order to register on the site.

Users’ electronic address (e-mail) may in particular be used by the skyandyou site for the communication of different information and the management of the account.

skyandyou guarantees the respect of the Users’ privacy, in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on Data processing, Data files and Individual Liberties.

skyandyou does not use the personal data of registrants.

According to articles 39 and 40 of law dated January 6, 1978, Users have the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose their personal data. Users exercise this right by sending an email to contact@skyandyou.org

ARTICLE 9: Hypertext links

The domains to which the hypertext links on the site lead do not engage the responsibility of the publisher of skyandyou, who has no control over these links.

It is possible for a third party to create a link to a page on the skyandyou site without the express permission of the publisher.

ARTICLE 10: Evolution of the Terms and Conditions of Use

The site reserves the right to modify the clauses of its T&Cs at any time and without justification after having informed the User.

ARTICLE 11: Duration of the contract

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract becomes effective with regard to the Users from the start of use of the service.

ARTICLE 12: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

This contract depends on French Law. In the event of a dispute not resolved amicably between the User and the Publisher, the courts of Paris are competent to settle the dispute


Terms of Use